Friday, October 26, 2012

Recommendations regarding use of international consumer label

As noted in IEA Wind's Recommended Practice 12, different countries have different rules, for example on acceptable noise levels and legal product requirements. To help Swedish consumers, the Swedish Wind Power Association has on published information about small wind turbines. There you can also find links to more information on this topic, all in Swedish. This includes films about small wind turbines and recommendations regarding use of the international consumer label for small wind turbines.

Hope that the small wind turbines going through testing for the label will soon be able to apply it. We are anticipating wind turbines and corresponding labels to be listed on

1 comment:

  1. Update:

    The Swedish Wind Power Association's page about small wind turbines has moved to Regarding the films, which can be found there, subcaptions in English are planned.

    We anticipate wind turbines and corresponding labels to be listed on (but labels could also be published on other sites, because the labeling is now defined by IEC 61400-2 Ed. 3 that allows different sites to be used, as long as it matches the URL specified in the label in question).
